PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE In accordance with Section 7-780 of the Pennsylvania School Code (24 P.S. 7-780), please take notice that a public hearing will be held by the Board of School Directors of the Millersburg Area School District at the Millersburg High School Cafeteria, 799 Center Street, Millersburg, PA on February 20, 2024, beginning at 8:00 p.m. to consider the closing of the Lenkerville Elementary School Building. The closing of the Lenkerville building is proposed as a result of the pre-K through 4 elementary building addition project at the Middle/High School, scheduled to be completed in July 2024. The public hearing must take place at least 3 months prior to the School Board’s vote to close the school building. All interested parties are invited to attend. Public comment will be received from the floor during the hearing and shall be limited to 5 minutes each. In addition, written comments will be received by the secretary of the Board of School Directors until 2:00 p.m. on February 20, 2024 or via email to Eric Petery at, and all written comments shall include the name and address of the person submitting the comment.
about 1 year ago, Eric Petery
~Reminder~ We hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Charlie Hunsinger
Dear Families, We are presently trying to establish the number of children within our school district who will be eligible for kindergarten next year (August, 2024). Children must be five (5) on or before September 1, 2024. Please email the below information to Bonnie Troutman, Lenkerville Elementary School, at or mail written copy to the school at 520 S. Market Street, Millersburg, PA 17061. Child’s Name _____________________________ Birthdate ________________________________ Parent’s Name ____________________________ Address _________________________________ Home Phone # _________________Cell #___________ Thank you, Amber Owen Principal, Lenkerville Elementary
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Tomorrow, January 19, 2024, the Millersburg Area School District will be operating under a Flexible Instruction Day schedule. All evening activities for tomorrow are canceled. Please refer to the Severe Weather and Remote Instruction Protocols letter on the district website.
about 1 year ago, Dan Potutschnig
Middle School Spirit Week!
about 1 year ago, Charlie Hunsinger
Good evening, Due to road conditions and expected wind chills, the Millersburg Area School District will operate on a 2-hour delay schedule tomorrow, January 17, 2024. Stay warm! Dr. Potutschnig
about 1 year ago, Dan Potutschnig
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Millersburg Area School District Board of Education scheduled for this evening has been postponed until tomorrow, January 17, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
about 1 year ago, Eric Petery
Millersburg Middle School & High School Families: The flexible instruction day at the middle school and high school will begin at 10:05am. Attendance will be taken until 10:14am. Attendance is taken using GoGuardian. Stay safe everyone, Mike Lyter, Acting High School Principal
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Tomorrow, January 16, 2024, Millersburg Area School District will be operating on a 2-hour delay schedule.
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
2-hour delay
Save the date! ❄️
about 1 year ago, Charlie Hunsinger
Positive office referrals for the week! Keep up the amazing work!
about 1 year ago, Charlie Hunsinger
Good afternoon! We wanted to re-share information regarding our flexible instruction day protocol. This was initially shared via email, webpage, and social media on November 28th, but with winter upon us, it's good to have it readily at hand. As always, if you have questions, don't hesitate to contact the building principals. The information is also pinned to our main website for access. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Severe Weather Remote Instruction Protocols
Santa visited our Middle School today!!
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Santa in MS
Winter Break Schedule
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Holiday Break Schedule
Students in Mrs. Mangle's Science class participated in a weather lab. They made snow, created tornadoes in a bottle and made clouds.
about 1 year ago, Kimberly Schmeltz
Special Education Teacher with ABA Background. Full-time, permanent position available immediately. Valid PA Special Education certification, PK-12, with a background/experience in Applied Behavior Analysis preferred. Send letter of interest, PA standard teaching application, resume, transcripts, copy of PA certification, current Act 34, Act 151, Act 114 clearances, and three current letters of reference to Bobbie Prouse, Millersburg Area SD, 799 Center St., Millersburg, PA 17061. Deadline: Until filled. EOE
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Hiring Special Ed Teacher
Students in Mrs. Kirkwood’s 6th grade classes recently created posters of the Sphinx. Each station was a part of the Sphinx. Students learned about the geography of Egypt, the religion practiced by the Egyptians, achievements in art and building, politics, economy, and society. Students could then decorate their sphinx. Students also completed a lab about mummification. Students mummified potatoes. Some specimens were in “natron” which was a mixture of salt and baking soda, and some were not. Student then tracked the progress of the mummification process. Student completed the lab by writing a lab report that came from their data and observations.
about 1 year ago, Kimberly Schmeltz
Please see attached letter that was emailed out to families regarding severe weather and remote instruction protocols. If you have any questions, please contact your building principals. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Severe Weather Remote Instruction Protocols UPDATED
Please see attached letter that was emailed out to families regarding severe weather and remote instruction protocols. If you have any questions, please contact your building principals. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Severe Weather Remote Instruction Protocols UPDATED
Please see the attached letter that was emailed out to families regarding severe weather and remote instruction protocols. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Amber Owen
Severe Weather Remote Instruction Protocols