Hey, Lenkerville.....Spirit Week is coming up next week!!
Good evening,
Due to road conditions and expected wind chills, the Millersburg Area School District will operate on a 2-hour delay schedule tomorrow, January 17, 2024.
Stay warm!
Dr. Potutschnig
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Millersburg Area School District Board of Education scheduled for this evening has been postponed until tomorrow, January 17, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Millersburg Middle School & High School Families: The flexible instruction day at the middle school and high school will begin at 10:05am. Attendance will be taken until 10:14am. Attendance is taken using GoGuardian.
Stay safe everyone,
Mike Lyter, Acting High School Principal
Lenkerville Students - Happy Snowy Tuesday! Since we moved from a 2-hour delay to a Flexible Instruction Day, families should check in with their teacher by 10am via email to mark their child present for the day and let the teacher know they are aware of the assignments for today. Thank you!
Tomorrow, January 16, 2024, Millersburg Area School District will be operating on a 2-hour delay schedule.
Save the date! ❄️
Positive office referrals for the week! Keep up the amazing work!
Good afternoon! We wanted to re-share information regarding our flexible instruction day protocol. This was initially shared via email, webpage, and social media on November 28th, but with winter upon us, it's good to have it readily at hand. As always, if you have questions, don't hesitate to contact the building principals. The information is also pinned to our main website for access. Thank you!
Tonight's Monthly Board Meeting, January 9th, 2024, will not be streamed and no online viewing or recording will be available.
Literacy Night is Coming! Save the Date!
Santa visited our Middle School today!!
What a wonderful holiday treat we had today! Thank you to Mr. Campbell and his HS brass ensemble for filling our halls with the sounds of the holiday!
We have some wonderfully talented artists and writers in our district! Congratulations to our holiday card artists and composers! We were able to celebrate and honor their winning card designs at last night's board meeting. Well done!
Below is the link for tonight's Regularly Scheduled School Board Meeting. December 19, 2023 - 7:00PM
Winter Break Schedule
What an amazing performance Thursday evening from our outstanding band and chorus members! Thank you to Mr. Slemmer and his students for putting us all in the holiday spirit. Thank you also to Mrs. Slemmer and Mr. Campbell for assisting.
Thank you to Mr. Lyter for coming to Mrs. Burger's 2nd grade class to read How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Thank you to our HS SADD Chapter for visiting all our classes in Lenkerville to do holiday crafts and creating this jolly creation in our TRIBE Cafe!
Holiday Spirit Week is next week!!